Begin teaching your children to be self-motivating while they are very young. Help them to feel confident by letting them know that you love them and believe they are capable of doing anything they want. Let them know that you are there to help them and offer your support. They will develop good self-esteem which will enable them to motivate themselves.
Encourage your children to try new things and give them a chance to discover who they are and what it is they want to do with their lives. Expose them to a wide range of experiences which will help them to see what they like, and help them to develop new skills.
Teach your children to make choices. Even the youngest child can learn to make their own choices such as playing outside or inside, peanut butter or bologna for lunch, etc. Letting them make decisions helps to boost their self-esteem and feel confidence in themselves. If they feel good about themselves they will feel more motivated.
Don't make every decision for your children. If they are never given the chance to do this for themselves, they will not learn how. They won't develop good self-esteem and then they will never be motivated to try to achieve. Teach them good decision making skills and then trust them to make good choices.
Don't judge your children. If you're always telling them that what they did was wrong or that there is a better way of doing something, they will lack the self confidence to keep trying. Making mistakes is part of learning. Give them the chance to make a few on their way to growing into independent adults.
With every good wish,
Will Edwards.
The White Dove Partnership
Will Edwards.
The White Dove Partnership
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